Kibitech | Kospr · Kibitech Operative System for Personal Robot

Hi PRers, after 2 days of I thinking about how pass to the idea and result to get a middle connector and I will have to clear how to start the development of M3: Software module, I decided to draw on my white board, first I think in the name of the operative system, of course when you goes to call some is some hard found an original name that yourself like It, I think initially on Kos, It was short, but not was all that I want for the project, and I added PR and It like me, is nice and sound very good Kospr, for my spanish the pronunciation would be kosper, but in english would be kos P R, I like as sound Kospr in spanish version, well, coming to initial subject, after I have the name I think in a functionality that It will be also in a tool for new developments or education, and after It, I think in a index.js and which one are the other modules that I need to make Kibitech function ( Kospr code is in GitHub ) , then of It, I was feel yet a big void into idea and result, I decided to order by priority each module, and the result is confortable for me, as when I develop the first version of domotic system, I said, if I can turn on the LED althrought of Internet I can make all, the same form I think this time, If we can controller some part from the "brain" with Kospr we can make all, and  I stablished the order for we goes to our goal, and the order is the follow:
  1. Base 
    1. Protocol
      1. Zigbee
      2. Define library
    2. Peripherals
      1. arm, legs, etc
      2. drivers
      3. management
    3. CLI
      1. Cli control
    4. Daemon
      1. Auto start
      2. Pass Args
  2. Intermediate
    1. Security
      1. Ssh
      2. Protocol
      3. Interface
      4. Modules
      5. Drivers
    2. Modules
      1. Management
      2. Process
    3. Interfaces
      1. Touch display
      2. Cam with  Open CV
      3. Web user 
      4. Virtual reality
      5. Voice recognition
    4. Storage
      1. Db Storage
      2. Log Storage
  3. Advanced
    1. System Admin
      1. Http web service port 13000
      2. List modules
      3. List drivers
      4. List peripherals
    2. For developers
      1. Store for modules 
      2. Driver development
      3. module development
    3. Installation
      1. Batch to install Kospr os requeriments.
      2. Setup
      3. Daemonize
  4. Alpha
    1. Artificial Intelligence 
      1. models
      2. module
      3. Python compatibility
    2. Connectivity
      1. Cloud platform to connect all Kibitech robots.

Also I want to share with you the Kospr image:

Ti's all for this input, thank you for read us and if you want to support us we will very happy for It, and the last message, I'm sorry for my english :)


Julian Dario Luna Patiño
Kibitech Team


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